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"The Oil Industry vs. The Electric Car"

"The oil industry is trying to crush the booming electric car movement. Groups backed by industry giants like Exxon Mobil and the Koch empire are waging a state-by-state, multimillion-dollar battle to squelch utilities’ plans to build charging stations across the country."

Source: Politico, 09/17/2019

Middle America’s Low-Hanging Carbon: Grid, Agriculture, Transportation

"The American Midwest is at a turning point as it confronts the global climate crisis. It's a landscape of opportunity, where investment is starting to pour into renewable energy, farmers are turning to climate-friendly practices, and automakers are introducing new electric vehicles. But its path forward is still cluttered with obstacles."

Source: InsideClimate News, 05/21/2019

Automakers Plan for Regulatory Chaos After Trump’s Emissions Rollback

"As the Trump administration prepares to drastically weaken Obama-era rules restricting vehicle pollution, nervous automakers are devising a strategy to handle their worst-case scenario: a divided American auto market, with some states following President Trump’s weakened rules while others stick with the tougher ones."

Source: NY Times, 04/11/2019

"Forget The Green New Deal, The Future Is Batteries"

"Insufficient battery technology is the greatest impediment to a clean energy present and future. Despite what the Green New Deal says or Tesla claims, we cannot transform our electricity generation until we see a revolution in battery technology."

Source: Forbes, 02/22/2019

Renewables: Shell Is Buying Clean-Tech Companies. What's Going On?

"Royal Dutch Shell PLC, one of the world's largest oil companies, gave fresh signals last week that it intends to be a purveyor of low-carbon electricity. It bought a battery company that will compete with Tesla Inc. and struck a partnership with Google to test an exotic wind generator."

Source: EnergyWire, 02/20/2019
