Reid Frazier — SEJ Board Candidate 2024

Reid Frazier

I have over 15 years experience as a public radio reporter, reporting mainly on the environment in Western Pennsylvania. I work as an energy reporter for the Allegheny Front, an independent public radio news magazine based in Pittsburgh that focuses on the environment.

As part of my job, I have covered the impacts of the growing fracking industry and the declining coal industry in Western Pennsylvania, as well as multiple topics in the fields of energy, conservation and climate. As a local reporter with extensive experience placing my work in national outlets like NPR, I am well-versed in the needs of both regional and national audiences.

Covering this beat, I have experienced first-hand the corporate influence on politics and policy around energy development. I have been taken to court by a fracking company over my reporting and have covered corporate lobbying over fracking at the state level. I’ve talked to countless people impacted by the relentless pursuit of energy in my region.

Many of my environmental stories have aired on national radio outlets like NPR and Marketplace.

My vision for SEJ and the field of environmental journalism is for it to expand its practices and practitioner base beyond its traditional bounds. I would like to be more inclusive of a diverse set of journalists over race, class and other backgrounds. I would like the field of environmental journalism to look more like the world we cover, and as a part of the board, I would be a consistent advocate for this vision.

Coming to SEJ every year gives me inspiration from meeting all the brilliant, brave journalists out there. It would be an honor to serve you all.

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