UK: "Meet the Labour Government’s New Climate Team"

"Introducing the key politicians tasked with delivering the government’s energy transformation plans – and the jobs at the top of their intrays."

"Labour has wasted no time in appointing its climate team, who are tasked with getting the UK back on track to meet its net zero targets.

As a record 335 new MPs take tours of (and selfies in) their new place of work, we take a look at those responsible for getting the UK to net zero emissions by 2050, and protecting our environment.

At the helm are former Labour leader Ed Miliband, heading up the UK’s net zero and energy security portfolio, and environment and farming secretary Steve Reed.

Chris Stark, the former chief executive of the government’s advisory body, the Climate Change Committee, was on Tuesday appointed the head of Mission Control for Clean Power, in charge of decarbonising the UK’s electricity by 2030.

The scale of the challenge is enormous. Labour plans to overhaul planning laws, and massively expand the grid to transport electricity in pylons across the country from dozens of new solar and wind farms."

Phoebe Cooke, Adam Barnett and Joey Grostern report for DeSmog July 10, 2024.


"Britain Needs to Move Faster on Climate, Monitoring Group Says" (New York Times)


Source: DeSmog, 07/18/2024