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Protest Protocol: How Journalists Can Stay Safe in Times of Unrest
Registration is open for a National Press Club Journalism Institute virtual safety training at 11:30 a.m. ET on Friday, July 15, 2022 on how to cover political protests and civil unrest while limiting your legal exposure and physical safety risks. Attendees will learn:
- Your rights to photograph and record video in public spaces and what to do if you are confronted and your equipment is seized
- How to recognize the signs of a police kettling action that could lead to being swept up and detained with other protesters
- What safety equipment to bring and how to plan your protest route ahead of time
- Ways to strategize your communication plan with editors, a legal team, and loved ones
- Recent legal developments and court cases for journalists detained and charged for their coverage of the 2020 racial justice protests and implications going forward
Confirmed speakers include:
- Corinne Chin, Emmy-award winning video journalist, and Associated Press director of news talent
- Kamesha Laurry, Borealis Racial Equity in Journalism Fund Legal Fellow for the Reporters Committee for Freedom of the Press
- Mickey Osterreicher, general counsel for the National Press Photographers Association
The conversation will be moderated by Rachel Oswald, National Press Club press freedom team lead and a foreign policy reporter for CQ Roll Call.