"Hearing Shows Uphill Fight For Progressive Mining Reform"

"Momentum is building toward a potential deal to reform the nation’s mining law, but a House hearing yesterday made evident that progressives aren’t the ones driving that discussion.

The House Natural Resources Subcommittee on Energy and Mineral Resources met yesterday to discuss the “Clean Energy Minerals Reform Act,” H.R. 7580, which would fundamentally overhaul how U.S. mining law operates.

Supporters have said it would make long overdue changes to the General Mining Act of 1872, the nation’s primary mining law. The bill, from full committee Chair Raúl Grijalva (D-Ariz.), would create new requirements for mineral exploration and permitting, and enact a first-ever gross royalty on new and existing hardrock mines on federal lands.

The meeting showed that bipartisan consensus may exist to change the country’s 150-year-old mining law — but the Natural Resources Committee under Grijalva probably isn’t where that deal will come to fruition."

Jael Holzman reports for E&E News May 13, 2022.


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Source: E&E News, 05/16/2022