"Chernobyl Exclusion Zone Radiation Monitoring System Not Working"

"Ukraine's state nuclear operator announced on Monday that the automated radiation monitoring system in the Chernobyl Exclusion Zone is not functioning amid Russia's ongoing invasion of the country.

Ukrainian nuclear operator Energoatom said in a Telegram message that there was not any data on "the current state of radiation pollution in the Exclusion Zone, which makes it impossible to adequately respond to threats of deterioration of radiation situations in the Exclusion Zone," according to NBC News.

Energoatom also noted that fire services intended to extinguish potential forest fires were not operating."

Monique Beals reports for The Hill March 21, 2022.


"Forest Fires Near Russian-Held Chernobyl Nuclear Plant Raise Radiation Fears, Ukraine Says" (Washington Post)

"One Thing Nuclear Power Plants Weren’t Built To Survive: War" (Washington Post)

"'A recipe for disaster' Russia sparks Chernobyl fears as Ukraine techs forced to work 24/7" (Express)

Source: The Hill, 03/23/2022