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Climate Central's tool, launched June 2021, will automatically send alerts when unusual weather, tides and other climate phenomena are detected in your area of the US — making connections between weather, news and climate.
The purpose of Realtime Climate is to push out local information about climate change when it's most relevant and useful, particularly for journalists. The alerts include links to science-based analyses and visualizations such as locality-specific, high-quality graphics, that can help explain events in the context of climate change.
- Sign up here.
- FAQs.
- Recording of June 21, 2021 webinar describing the tool and ways it can be used to support news coverage. Speakers, including Ed Hawkins of the University of Reading (creator of the warming stripes visuals), Univision's Hilda Garcia and Axios' Andrew Freedman, talked about their experiences helping large audiences understand climate science. Click here for a summary of the topics covered, information about the panelists, and online resources for integrating localized climate data visualizations into stories and communications about climate-related events.