Trump Team To ‘Modernize' National Parks With Wifi, Amazon Deliveries

"Parks one of many government resources Trump has sought to privatize, including the US postal service, airports and freeways".

"A team of Trump administration advisers – consisting mostly of appointees from private industry – are urging “modernization” of national park campgrounds, with a vision of food trucks, wifi and even Amazon deliveries.

“Our recommendations would allow people to opt for additional costs if they want, for example, Amazon deliveries at a particular campsite,” Derrick Crandall, vice chairman of the “Made in America” Outdoor Recreation Advisory Committee, told the Los Angeles Times. “We want to let Americans make their own decisions in the marketplace.”

The committee published its recommendations in a letter to the Interior Department last month."

Emily Holden reports for the Guardian November 5, 2019.


"Trump Team Has A Plan For National Parks: Amazon, Food Trucks And No Senior Discounts" (Los Angeles Times)

Source: Guardian, 11/06/2019