"Infrastructure: Wheeler Talks Permitting At Closed-Door Event"

"EPA Administrator Andrew Wheeler today discussed infrastructure permitting at a closed-door event featuring other Trump administration officials.

The event at the General Services Administration was closed to the press, and an E&E News reporter was barred from the room and later escorted from the building.

Wheeler was slated to talk about streamlining the permitting process for complex projects, according to an event invitation obtained by E&E News.

Other featured speakers included R.D. James, assistant secretary of the Army for civil works, and Alex Herrgott, executive director of the Federal Permitting Improvement Steering Council, according to the invitation. ...

The invitation did not mention that the event was closed-press. But an E&E News reporter was denied entry to the auditorium in the General Services Administration where the event took place.

Matthew Burrell, a press assistant with GSA, later escorted the E&E News reporter out of the building. Burrell said questions about the event could be directed to GSA's press office."

Maxine Joselow reports for Greenwire April 30, 2019.

Source: Greenwire, 05/01/2019