"Climate Change Pervades Congress After Years Of Quiet"

"All of a sudden, it's gotten really hard to escape climate change.

Not the problem itself — that threat has been looming for a while now. But discussions about global warming have hit a fever pitch in recent months, often overwhelming other issues in Congress, on television and on the campaign trail.

How long it will last is anyone's guess, but several lawmakers and activists said the buzz has reached a level unmatched since congressional Democrats tried to pass cap-and-trade legislation 10 years ago.

"For the first time in a long time, the Senate is finally debating the issue of climate change, and it's about time, if you ask me," said Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.) in a floor speech yesterday."

Mark K. Matthews reports for ClimateWire March 7, 2019.


"Congress Has Held At Least 15 Climate Hearings Since Democrats Won The House" (Washington Post)

"House Energy And Commerce Republicans Ditch Climate Denial" (E&E Daily)

"Tempers Flare In Senate Over Green New Deal, Climate Change" (ABC News)

"Climate: Senate Dems Float Bill To Halt White House Science Review" (E&E News PM)

Source: ClimateWire, 03/08/2019