Bernie Stakes Out Forceful Climate Stance, Leapfrogging The 2020 Field

"The 2016 presidential race largely ignored climate change. The Vermont senator is banking on that no longer being possible."

"WASHINGTON ― Two years can be a split second in geological time and an eternity in politics, but it may also be just long enough for an issue ignored in one election to reach center stage in the next.

At least, that’s the bet Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) is making.

On Monday the Vermont senator packed two rooms of the Hart Senate Office Building for a star-studded town hall meeting on climate change, demonstrating a knowledge and urgency not yet seen from any Democrat likely to challenge President Donald Trump in two years."

Alexander C. Kaufman reports for HuffPost December 3,2018.


"Inside the Sunrise Movement (It Didn't Happen By Accident)" (ClimateWire)

"'Green New Deal' Becoming Progressive 'Rallying Cry'" (E&E Daily)

"'Green New Deal' Is Actually An Old Idea" (ClimateWire)


Source: HuffPost, 12/04/2018