"Trump Unveils His Plan to Weaken Fuel Efficiency Rules"

"WASHINGTON — The Trump administration on Thursday unveiled its long-awaited proposal to dramatically weaken an Obama-era regulation designed to limit vehicle emissions, which contribute to climate change.

The publication of the proposal sets up a race among opponents of the change — an unusual mix of environmentalists, automakers, consumer groups and states — to temper the plan before it is finalized this year.

The proposal would freeze rules requiring automakers to build cleaner, more fuel-efficient cars, including hybrids and electric vehicles, and unravel one of President Barack Obama’s signature policies to combat global warming. It would also challenge the right of states to set their own, more stringent tailpipe pollution standards, setting the stage for a legal clash that could ultimately split the nation’s auto market in two."

Coral Davenport reports for the New York Times August 2, 2018.


"California Vows To Fight Trump EPA's Move To Freeze Fuel Economy Rules" (Los Angeles Times)

"Fuel Efficiency: Ex-Staffer: Trump Team Steamrolled EPA On Auto Proposal" (Greenwire)

"Trump Fires First Shot In California Car Wars" (Politico)

"Fuel Efficiency: 'Fight Is Far From Over' On Car Rules — Democrats" (Greenwire)

"States Vow To Press Fight Against Trump's Car Fuel Rules" (ABC News)

"Trump Officials Link Fuel Economy Rules to Deadly Crashes. Experts Are Skeptical." (New York Times)

"Fuel Efficiency: Researchers Not Thrilled To See Their Work In Trump Proposal" (Greenwire)

"Trump Mileage Proposal Claims To Cut Car Costs And Road Deaths" (Washington Post)

"Trump’s Clean Car Rollback Will Cost The U.S. $457 Billion" (Fast Company)

"‘This Is A Stupid Policy’: Emissions Become Latest Front in California-Trump war" (Politico)

"Fury at US Environmental Agency’s Effort To Weaken Fuel Standards" (Nature)

"Trump Administration Seeks To Freeze Gas Mileage Standards For New Cars" (ABC News)

"Sanders: Reporting On Auto Rules Rollback Is 'Simply False'" (E&E News PM)

"States Decry Trump's 'Brazen Attack,' Plan Legal Fight" (Greenwire)

"U.S. States Vow To Fight Trump Rollback On Auto Emissions" (Reuters)

"Trump’s Challenge Of California’s Emissions Rules Could Zap Its Electric Car Industry" (McClatchy)

"Trump’s Auto Efficiency Rollback: Losing the Climate Fight, 1 MPG at a Time" (InsideClimate News)

"Trump Administration To Freeze Fuel-Efficiency Requirements In Move Likely To Spur Legal Battle With States" (Washington Post)

"AP Fact Check: Fed Gov’t Overstates Claims Of Auto Safety" (AP)

"Senate Dem To Try Overturning Trump’s Car Emissions Rollback" (The Hill)

Source: NY Times, 08/03/2018