"A close-up of ice melting in brilliant sunshine is the first thing you see in An Inconvenient Sequel: Truth to Power. It's gorgeous — snow crystals glistening, moisture dripping from them into a pool of water so pure and clear it makes you thirsty.
But in subsequent shots, as the drips become streams, and the streams plunge over ice-cliffs, you realize what you're seeing: A glacier is melting. And that's not so beautiful.
More than 10 years ago, Al Gore's documentary An Inconvenient Truth argued forcefully that climate change ought to be a mainstream concern. The world seemed to hear that argument (the current U.S. administration's doubts notwithstanding) and the film became a surprising box office hit worldwide."
Bob Mondello reviews the movie for NPR July 27, 2017.
Review: 'An Inconvenient Sequel' Is An Effective 'I Told You So'
Source: NPR, 07/28/2017