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Can a President Really Rewrite the First Amendment?: A Look at Campaign Threats and their Potential Impact on the Media
In the heat of a presidential campaign, candidates make a slew of promises – and threats. Some are serious, others have little chance of going anywhere. At the National Press Club, a panel of lawyers and journalists will examine the potential impact the 2016 campaign’s rhetoric could have on the news media, including: access issues and policies of different administrations and campaigns; the historical and legal underpinnings of First Amendment protections against lawsuits brought by public officials and public figures; and the impact a changed Supreme Court could have on those protections.
- Kenneth Jost, Author of Supreme Court Yearbook, and Adjunct Professor, The Georgetown University Law Center
- Anita Kumar, White House Correspondent, McClatchy Newspapers
- Adam Liptak, Supreme Court Correspondent, The New York Times
- Katie Townsend, Litigation Director, Reporters Committee for Freedom of the Press
Moderator: Chuck Tobin, Partner, Holland & Knight LLP
This event is sponsored by the National Press Club Journalism Institute's Press Freedom Committee. RSVP required:
Event details:
National Press Club
529 14th Street NW
13th Floor – First Amendment Lounge
Washington, DC 20045
Wednesday, October 12
6.30pm - 8pm
$5 for NPC members; $10 for general public