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Are you an SEJ member who's authored, co-authored or edited a non-fiction or fiction environmental book (published in 2014) you'd like included on this page? Documentaries are also welcome. Please send the following to web content manager Cindy MacDonald:
- a one-paragraph description
- name of publisher and year of publication
- ISBN number
- .gif or .jpg image of the book cover (optional)
- Internet link to more information (optional)
Find links to members' books published in other years here.
"How to Raise Poultry"
By Christine Heinrichs
On beyond chickens! Ducks, geese, turkeys, guineafowl and other birds have been domesticated and raised over the years. This book gives detailed history and breed information for the beginner, the experienced poultry keeper and those for whom poultry dances in their dreams. Over 200 color pictures. Revised and updated from the 2009 edition. Voyageur Press, 2014. ISBN: 978-0760345672. More information.