"A trickle of water is being returned to a few parts of the dried-out delta—and those parts are blooming."
"San Luis Río Colorado, Mexico—Hector Patiño leaned against his shovel, taking a break from weeding. The sun beat down on his straw hat. His three friendly dogs flopped down in the shade.
Behind Patiño, 45, cottonwood and willow trees formed a dense thicket, interspersed with honey mesquite seedlings and a thick understory of shrubs. Bees swarmed. A crissal thrasher sang prettily. A pair of white-crowned sparrows chittered at the shadow of a marsh hawk passing overhead.
Just months ago, this area was a barren wasteland, said Patiño. But last April he and a crew of workers from the nearby village of Miguel Alemán planted the trees. With fertile soil and steady sun—and just enough irrigation water—the trees have already grown ten feet tall (three meters), enough to shade his dogs."
Brian Clark Howard reports for National Geographic December 16, 2014.
"Saving the Colorado River Delta, One Habitat at a Time"
Source: National Geographic, 12/17/2014