"Judge Says NCR Must Continue Paying for Fox River Cleanup"

"A federal judge has ruled that NCR Corp. is responsible for paying for environmental damage to the Fox River in northeastern Wisconsin -- a decision that is expected to jump-start stalled cleanup work on the massive pollution project."

"Federal Judge William C. Griesbach ruled on Friday that NCR must continue financing the work of removing dangerous contaminants from the river in the Green Bay area.

And if past remediation work upstream is any sign of what's in store for a heavily fished section of the river, toxicity levels in popular sport fish, such as the walleye, are likely to plummet.

The ruling stated what state and federal regulators had wanted: They asked the judge to order NCR to keep paying for the removal of vast amounts of contaminated sediments in the Fox."

Lee Bergquist reports for the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel April 29, 2012.


"Fox River Cleanup To Restart)

Source: Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, 04/30/2012