"Debate Still Messy Over Bill For Fox River PCB Cleanup Costs"

"The cleanup of toxic chemicals dumped during the production of carbonless copy paper in the 1950s and 1960s has been happening in the lower Fox River since 2009, but it's still unclear who is going to pick up the tab."

"PCB cleanup between Little Lake Butte des Morts and De Pere has been due primarily to the efforts of two companies, NCR Corp. and Appleton Papers Inc. They are among 14 tagged by the government as being responsible for putting toxic polychlorinated biphenyls into the river. The two companies have formed a limited partnership that has spent about $300 million so far to have contractors clean the lower Fox River.

Cleanup involves a complex combination of dredging sediment from the riverbed, dewatering it, treating the water and returning it to the river.

Trucks transport the remaining dry material to a landfill, and contractors cover portions of river bottom with sand and gravel.

Contractors last week took their cleanup equipment out of the river after removing 240,000 cubic yards of sediment from the river bottom since April."

Paul Srubas reports for the Green Bay Press-Gazette November 13, 2011.


Source: Green Bay Press-Gazette, 11/14/2011