Marcus Haraldsson — SEJ Board Candidate 2024

Marcus Haraldsson
Marcus Haraldsson

I’m a Swedish freelance journalist and photographer working globally at the intersection of science, environment and human rights. I just moved from Sweden to New York to live with my wife, and have so far been impressed with SEJ. The openness, transparency, curiosity and community seem genuine. I would love to support any way I can.

As a board member, areas where I think I could contribute include:

NGO organizing / strategic planning

  • I spent a decade working for, and partnering with, many NGOs, and networks of NGOs. Mainly European organizations in the grassroots democracy, international development and culture sphere, but I also worked with foundations such as the Open Society Foundations, and European government agencies — that provide most NGO funding in Europe. I have also co-founded two international NGOs, handled multiple larger grants as a project manager and served on grant evaluation committees (one ran for six years, I read ~900 proposals, and co-extended $4,5 million in grants). I am currently engaged in the Swedish Journalism Union (where I served on the regional board), the Swedish Authors Guild and the Swedish Fulbright Alumni Association (where I also serve on the board), and several other professional organizations.

All this is to say that I know something about NGOs, boards, team leadership & culture, grants, strategic decision making/planning etcetera. I have a lot to learn (and unlearn!) in a US context, as Europe is quite different, but I bring an informed outside perspective to processes such as strategic planning, and internationalization.

Inclusive storytelling / professional development

  • Most of the experiences above came about as I explored new ways of telling stories, actively involving stakeholders — while maintaining journalistic integrity. In many projects, for example, I lent cameras and agency to victims, disenfranchised and agents of change, to co-facilitate their own storytelling.

It would be fascinating in an organization like SEJ, if we could co-explore ways to look beyond our own professional working conditions, and also consider deeper level issues of representation, power and who gets to frame the narrative. I believe this is especially important when working on such a globally interconnected issue as the environment. This work could involve anything from conference workshops, sentenses in strategy documents, to a working group.

About me
Starting in local and rural Swedish journalism 25 years ago, I have lived and worked for extended periods in China, South Africa, Central America, USA and Europe. I have written for over a dozen outlets, been an acting China correspondent for leading Swedish daily SvD and currently produce regular in-depth features for Forskning & Framsteg, the official magazine of the Swedish Research Council (think Scientific American). Last year I published my third book (Barnen som ville rädda världen), about Costa Rica’s green transition with foreword by Christiana Figueres, the UN chief negotiator of the Paris Agreement. I have a MA degree in Political Journalism from Columbia University in New York, and a MS degree in Peace and Conflict Studies, from Uppsala University, Sweden.

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