"Zinke Scares Greens By Backing Rule To Ease Land Transfers"

"President-elect Donald Trump once rejected the idea of selling public lands to states because he wanted 'to keep the lands great.'

It's a statement environmentalists and sportsmen have held up as the silver lining to an uncertain future: Public lands, they hoped, would at least stay public.

But on Tuesday, that hope gave way to fear and uncertainty, when the Republican-controlled House passed a rule that will allow the chamber to consider federal land transfers cost-free and budget-neutral."

Emily Yehle and Jennifer Yachnin report for Greenwire January 5, 2017.


"Push To Transfer Federal Lands To States Has Sportsmen On Edge" (NPR)

"Conservation Groups Are Worried That Congress Will Give Away Public Lands" (Buzzfeed)

Source: Greenwire, 01/06/2017