"Trump WH Says It Isn’t Anti-Science As It Seeks to Slash EPA Science

"The [EPA] Office of Research and Development has been at frontlines of virtually every environmental crisis. Trump wants to cut its funding in half."

"When the city of Toledo temporarily lost access to clean drinking water several years ago after a bloom of toxic algae, the Environmental Protection Agency sent scientists from its Office of Research and Development to study health effects and formulate solutions.

The same office was on the front lines of the Flint water crisis and was a critical presence in handling medical waste from the U.S. Ebola cases in 2014.

Thomas Burke, who directed ORD during the last two years of the Obama administration and was the agency’s science adviser, calls the office the nation’s 'scientific backstop in emergencies.'

President Trump’s 2018 budget would slash ORD’s funding in half as part of an overall goal to cut the EPA’s budget by 31 percent."

Lisa Song reports for ProPublica, May 24, 2017.


"What’s in Trump’s 2018 Budget Request For Science?" (Science)

"White House Budget Aims to Kill ‘Crazy’ Climate Science" (Climate Central)

Source: ProPublica, 05/25/2017