"State Cutbacks, Recalcitrance Hinder Clean Air Act Enforcement"

"Federal law that underpins Obama's Clean Power Plan is unevenly enforced by states with shrinking staffs, polluter-friendly policies".

"ALBANY, N.Y. — When Deneen Carter-El moved to the Ezra Prentice Homes in Albany’s South End two decades ago, she thought the beige-colored townhouses and trimmed lawns would be a welcome change from high-rise public housing.

But appearances were deceiving.

The 16-building complex borders the Port of Albany — a 200-acre shipping hub that’s home to landfills, bus depots, a cement plant and a large terminal where crude oil is transferred from railcars to barges and tankers. Only a chain-link fence separates the housing project and its playground from the railyard. Today, Carter-El is convinced that Ezra Prentice is 'a toxic dump.'"

Jie Jenny Zou reports for the Center for Public Integrity October 11, 2016.

Source: Ctr for Public Integrity, 10/11/2016