"Proposal To Restore Sovereignty To Tribes In Maine Advances"

"'People don’t understand the depth of injustice unless they’ve lived it. The Wabanaki people have lived it for hundreds of years'"

"PORTLAND, Maine — The Maine Senate advanced a historic proposal Friday to restore tribes’ sovereignty, ensuring they have the same rights as other federally recognized tribes across the country.

The Senate action, made without debate, came a day after the House approved the bill that addresses sovereignty rights that were forfeited by tribes under the Maine Indian Claims Settlement Act of 1980. More votes are needed.

Also Friday, a tribal attorney rewrote language of a separate bill to ensure the governor’s support for letting the Passamaquoddy Tribe at Pleasant Point regulate its own drinking water."

David Sharp reports for the Associated Press April 15, 2022.

Source: AP, 04/18/2022