Photographer Captures Life In America’s Last Remaining Old-Growth Forests

"“As humans, our everyday lives are sustained by the behaviors and interactions of forest organisms,” photographer David Herasimtschuk writes of old growth forests. “Yet, because these processes and relationships occur in places and at scales rarely observed, our connection with forest biodiversity and the role it plays in nurturing our well-being often goes completely unnoticed.”

In the last 10 years, Herasimtschuk has photographed forests across the Pacific Northwest, documenting the inhabitants of these last remaining old-growth ecosystems. From salamanders and salmon to bears and mountain lions, his images illustrate not only the beauty of the forests and their creatures but the symbiotic relationships which are vital to the forests’ health and the planet’s welfare.

We interviewed Herasimtschuk about his efforts to educate people about the importance of preserving these ancient forests. The interview has been edited for clarity and length."

Ben de la Cruz reports for NPR September 3, 2024.

Source: NPR, 09/05/2024