"Peter Dykstra: SEJ Enters Middle Age With Grace"

"I've made it to most of the Society of Environmental Journalists' 29 annual conferences, but not this one.

SEJ is the Jimmy Carter of non-profits – overlooked in real-time, but looking better and smarter with each passing year. This year's conference wraps up Sunday in Fort Collins, Colo (follow the action on social media via #SEJ2019)

SEJ's first national conference took place in 1991. It's now older than many of its members. At least one or two of its current Board members were fetuses back then. Most of its charter members are in their sixties, seventies, or beyond. Or gone. The membership used to be weighted toward full-time environment writers for daily newspapers. Now, the core is freelance journalists (though I've been trying to push the frequently more accurate term "subsistence journalists")."

Peter Dykstra reports for the Daily Climate October 12, 2019.


"Reporters Gather To Talk Environment, Health, Climate" (Daily Climate)

Annual Conference Instagram Feed (SEJ)

Annual Conference Twitter Feed (SEJ)

SEJ Facebook Page

Annual Conference Coverage (SEJ members/ to come)

Source: Daily Climate, 10/14/2019