Obama Administration Slams GOP Environmental Spending Bill

"WASHINGTON -- The Obama administration on Tuesday strongly criticized a Republican budget proposal that would undermine regulatory work at the Environmental Protection Agency and the Department of Interior.

Office of Management and Budget Director Shaun Donovan and Environmental Protection Agency Administrator Gina McCarthy, on a call with reporters, protested the appropriations proposal the House is debating this week.

The Republican spending bill for the Interior Department and EPA "would do harm to our economy, our middle class, and Americans who are working hard to join the middle class," said Donovan. He called the proposed cuts "irresponsible," and said they would cost the country more in the long run."

Kate Sheppard reports for the Huffington Post July 7, 2015.


"EPA Head Slams GOP Budget Cuts" (The Hill)

"Polls Show Support for Top Conservation Priorities" (The Hill)

"Obama's Climate Plan Will Survive Even If Republican Elected, EPA Chief Says" (Guardian)

"EPA Chief: New Climate Rules Are Safe From Courts, Congress" (Christian Science Monitor)

Source: Huffington Post, 07/08/2015