"Nuclear Plant’s Closing Raises New Fears for Jobs and Taxes"

"ALBANY — For years, many Westchester County residents and elected officials clamored for the Indian Point nuclear power plant to be shut down, citing what they said was the untenable risk it posed in an area as populated as greater New York City.

But since January, when Gov. Andrew M. Cuomo announced plans for just such a shutdown, attention has turned to the devilish details. At a hearing on Tuesday, Democratic and Republican lawmakers sought reassurances from state energy officials, the plant’s owner and others that the closing would not disrupt the state’s power supply or be financially ruinous to local communities.

The hearing touched on issues such as energy reliability, lost jobs, the affect on the area’s property tax base and how spent fuel on the site would be stored. In painstaking testimony, top energy officials led lawmakers through descriptions of evolving energy markets and technologies and the complexities of how power is delivered around the state."

Lisa W. Foderaro reports for the New York Times February 28, 2017.

Source: NY Times, 03/01/2017