"Fire Chiefs, White House See Climate Change Impact on Wildfires"

"WASHINGTON -- Fire chiefs from California, Idaho, Washington and other vulnerable states reinforced on Monday the Obama administration’s campaign against climate change.

Fresh off a devastating wildland fire season that saw millions of acres burned nationwide, a number of leading chiefs convened with Vice President Joe Biden to spotlight what they called the 'climate change impacts' found where homes meet tinder.

'You can’t point to climate change and say there’s a direct impact on any one fire, but across the board it’s changing weather patterns,' said Ken Pimlott, director of the California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection. 'You have more drought persisting in areas, and all of that leads to drier vegetation and ultimately fires that burn more aggressively.'"

Michael Doyle reports for McClatchy November 9, 2015.

Source: McClatchy, 11/12/2015