"Feinstein Calls for Earthquake Early Warning System"

"Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-Calif.) said the recent earthquake in Northern California shows the need for an earthquake early warning system.

'There’s no doubt a major earthquake will hit California; the only questions are when and where,' Feinstein said on Monday. 'I believe an integrated earthquake early warning system is essential to save lives and property.'

Feinstein urged the passage of two Senate Appropriations Committee bills that would advance the creation of an early warning system. She said the bill to fund the Department of the Interior includes $5 million to begin work on an early warning system, and the funding bill for the Department of Homeland Security urges FEMA to prioritize grant funds for such a system."

Ramsey Cox reports for The Hill August 26, 2014.

Source: The Hill, 08/27/2014