"EPA Union Deal to Shield Science From Politics as Election Looms"

"The EPA’s biggest union said on Wednesday it had ratified a new contract with the agency, winning scientific integrity protections for the first time.

Those provisions matter to the American Federation of Government Employees because they allege Donald Trump’s first presidency resulted in distortions and silencing of their scientific work.

“President Trump attacked the federal workforce in ways we never thought we’d see,” said Marie Owens Powell, president of AFGE Council 238, which represents some 8,000 agency employees.

The contract “puts employees in the best possible position to continue with the mission of the agency, no matter who sits in the Oval Office,” Powell said. ...

Employees are also expressly allowed to participate in “the free flow of scientific information” by talking about their work at conferences, meetings, and with the press, as long as they don’t inappropriately use their official titles, share non-public information, or imply that the EPA sanctions their opinion."

Stephen Lee reports for Bloomberg Environment May 29, 2024.


"Preparing For A Trump Return, EPA Workers Secure 'Scientific Integrity' Protections" (HuffPost)

"Industry’s Newest Tactics to Undermine EPA Science" (Union of Concerned Scientists)

"Will New EPA Policy Make It Easier To Interview Its Experts?" (SEJ WatchDog Opinion)


Source: Bloomberg Environment, 05/30/2024