"Democrats Roll Out Climate Change Big Guns, Republicans Remain Immune"

"Democrats have attempted to get Republicans to confront the science on climate change, in an effort to halt moves to block regulation of greenhouse gas pollution. But it's not clear that the appeal to reason worked.

In an increasingly contentious hearing, Republicans insisted that science on climate change was 'not settled' or accused world-recognised experts who had been called to testify of holding 'elitist and arrogant views'. ...

Democrats had pushed for Tuesday's hearings in the hopes that testimony from climate scientists might give Republicans second thoughts in their moves to strip the Obama adminsitration of its powers to act on climate change.

Republicans are set to move as early as Thursday to vote on the bill that would achieve this. It would permanently block the Environmental Protection Agency from reducing greenhouse gas emissions from factories and would block any further reductions of car exhaust emissions after 2016."

Suzanne Goldenberg reports for the UK Guardian March 8, 2011.


"At House E.P.A. Hearing, Both Sides Claim Science" (New York Times)

"Climate Science on Sidelines as EPA Bill Proceeds" (AAAS Science Insider)

Editorial: "On Climate, Who Needs the Facts?" (New York Times)

"Climate scientists testify as Republicans prepare for attack on EPA" (Nature/The Great Beyond)

"House Climate Hearings: Old Dogs, Old Tricks" (DeSmogBlog)

"Democrats Provide a Counteroffer to GOP Cuts on Energy and Climate" (ClimateWire)

"At Hearing, Rep. Whitfield Steers Clear of Blasting Climate Science" (E2 Wire)

"OVERNIGHT ENERGY: The Looming House Climate Markup" (E2 Wire)

"Bill to Handcuff EPA's Greenhouse Gas Regs a Mixed Bag for Biofuels Industry" (Greenwire)

"Dems Highlight Climate Science To Counter GOP Push on EPA Rules" (E2 Wire)

Source: Guardian, 03/09/2011