Dem Hopeful Bennet Unveils Climate Plan With Farm, Conservation Focus

"WASHINGTON - U.S. Senator Michael Bennet, a 2020 Democratic presidential contender, unveiled a plan on Monday to tackle climate change with a focus on slashing emissions from farming and ranching and conserving nearly a third of U.S. lands.

Bennet is distinguishing himself from rivals, such as Governor Jay Inslee of Washington, who are pressing for more aggressive plans to fight global warming, by making land management and agriculture a large part of his climate platform.

The senator from Colorado, a state rich in farms and ranches, said his climate plan is the only one to focus on agriculture and conserving land to sequester carbon dioxide while also seeking emissions cuts from power plants, transportation and heavy industry."

Timothy Gardner reports for Reuters May 20, 2019.


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"Klobuchar Becomes 13th Democratic Candidate To Pledge Not To Accept Fossil Fuel Money" (The Hill)

"Warren Backs Calls For Climate Focused Debate" (The Hill)

Source: Reuters, 05/21/2019