Could FOIA Force Trump Administration to Restore Missing Climate Data?

"Three groups are putting a new open records rule to the test to bring back climate change information removed by the new administration. They just might succeed."

"As Donald Trump's administration continues to strip climate change information from federal websites, two advocacy groups and a conservation biologist are using a novel technique to try to force the government to republish the pages.

A new provision in open records law, added by Congress last year, requires agencies to publish electronically any information that is requested at least three times through the federal Freedom of Information Act, so long as that information is not otherwise exempt from disclosure. Last week, the advocacy groups and the biologist submitted identical requests for climate change information, hoping to trigger that provision, and they just might succeed.

"The law is pretty explicit," said Aaron Mackey, an attorney with the Electronic Frontier Foundation, a nonprofit that promotes transparency. "The law just says, if you get three, then you have to affirmatively disclose it. This should work.""

Nicholas Kusnetz reports for InsideClimate News May 9, 2017.

Source: InsideClimate News, 05/10/2017