"Climate Activists Make Noise In Philly Ahead Of Democratic Convention"

"PHILADELPHIA — While the Democratic Party was prepping its convention hall on Sunday, environmental activists tried to draw attention to the streets and their ongoing war against fossil fuel extraction. The day before the Democratic National Convention kicks off here, several thousand activists from Pennsylvania and surrounding states endured sweltering heat and humidity for nearly four hours to call for a shift to renewable energy.

They gathered in front of Philadelphia’s City Hall, an enormous baroque revival stone building, for a press conference and an interfaith ceremony. They then marched down Market Street, one of Philly’s main thoroughfares, and congregated in the plaza in front of Independence Hall, where the Declaration of Independence was signed.

The March for a Clean Energy Revolution was primarily sponsored by Food and Water Watch, an advocacy group that focuses heavily on the local impacts of fossil fuel extraction and strongly opposes fracking. Participating organizations included anti-fracking groups from Pennsylvania and New York, local chapters of national climate change and environmental organizations such as 350.org, Native American tribes, and social and environmental justice groups."

Ben Adler reports for Grist July 25, 2016.


"Hollywood Stars Hold Climate Rally Ahead Of DNC" (AP)

"Thousands Of Bernie Supporters, Environmentalists Jam Sweltering Streets On Eve Of DNC" (Philadelphia Inquirer)

Source: Grist, 07/25/2016