A rider attached to the payroll tax bill would set a 60-day deadline for the Obama administration to make a postponed decision on the Keystone XL pipeline. A deal on the bill had seemed done as the weekend began, but comments by House Speaker John Boehner on a Sunday talk show seemed to signal that GOPers were going back on the deal.
"A day after the Senate overwhelmingly approved legislation to extend a payroll tax cut for two months, House Republicans made clear Sunday that they would not support the measure.
Speaker John A. Boehner, who had urged his members on Saturday to support the bill, did an about-face on Sunday and said he and other House Republicans were opposed to the temporary extension, part of a $33 billion package of bills that the Senate passed Saturday by an 89-to-10 vote. In addition to extending the payroll tax cut for millions of American workers, the legislation also extends unemployment benefits and avoid cuts in payments to doctors who accept Medicare. The measure would be effective through February."
Ron Nixon reports for the New York Times December 18, 2011.
"Keystone Pipe Outlook No Rosier After Senate Vote" (Reuters)
"Extension of Tax Cut Stalls in House as G.O.P. Objects" (New York Times)
"Obama Aides: Keystone Pipeline Inclusion 'Is Absolutely Not A Blink'" (Huffington Post)
"Keystone Cave? No, Keystone Kabuki." (Grist)
"Keystone Pipeline Fight Will Continue Even If Administration Denies Permit, GOP Says" (2chambers/Washington Post)
"Keystone XL Pipeline Vote Getting Pre-Spun" (Politico)
"Myth That Keystone XL Creates Jobs Perpetuated By Oil Lobby, Parroted By Congress's Oil Recipients" (Think Progress Green)
"Will Republican High Stakes Gamble Kill the Keystone XL Tar Sands Pipeline?" (NRDC Switchboard)
"Savage Two-Month Lobbying Battle Over Keystone Oil Pipeline Starts Now" (E2 Wire/The Hill)
"Republicans Demand to Kill the Keystone XL Pipeline" (Firedoglake)
"Opinion: The 'Zombie' Pipeline Is Back" (Summit County Citizens Voice)