"In October 2008, U.S. EPA scientists found near Decatur some of the highest concentrations of perfluorooctane sulfonate (PFOS), perfluorooctanoic acid (PFOA), other carboxylic acids, and fluorotelomer alcohols in U.S. soils and traced the source back to treated municipal sewage sludge, or biosolids.
"The findings here have generated [EPA] Office of Water interest," according to Gail Mitchell, EPA Region 4's deputy director of water management. "They are evaluating what it means to the biosolids program and trying to decide what the next step should be," she adds."
Rebecca Renner reports in Environmental Science & Technology June 3, 2009.
"Are Perfluorochemicals Widespread in Biosolids?"
Source: ES&T, 06/04/2009