"After Hurricane, Chaos Lingers In Water-Logged N. Carolina"

"LUMBERTON, N.C. -- With floodwaters from Hurricane Matthew on the rise, at least one North Carolina city appeared near chaos Monday, its police station shuttered and sporadic gunfire in the air, and authorities worried that more communities could end up the same way.

The storm is gone, but it left behind a water-logged landscape where flooding was expected to persist for the rest of the week. At least three rivers were forecast to reach record levels, some not cresting until Friday. In many areas, the scene resembled a repeat of Hurricane Floyd, which caused $3 billion in damage and destroyed 7,000 homes as it skirted the coast in 1999.

Officials were concerned that other cities could suffer the fate of Lumberton, a community of 22,000 people about 80 miles from the ocean."

Emery P. Dalesio and Martha Waggoner report for the Associated Press October 10, 2016.


"Hundreds Stranded In North Carolina Floods After Hurricane Matthew" (Reuters)

"Haiti Needs 'Massive Response' After Hurricane: U.N. Chief" (Reuters)

"Obama Declares Major Disaster In North Carolina From Hurricane Matthew" (Reuters)

"As Hurricane Matthew Moves Out, Zika Could Move In" (McClatchy)

"Slowly, Life Begins Returning To Normal Along Georgia Coast" (AP)

Source: AP, 10/11/2016