"African Lion ‘Threatened’ Listing Proposed Under U.S. Law"

"WASHINGTON, DC – The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service today proposed listing the African lion as threatened under the Endangered Species Act, saying its analysis finds the lions are “in danger of extinction in the foreseeable future.”

The three main threats facing the African lion, Panthera leo, at this time are habitat loss, loss of prey animals, and increased human-lion conflict.

“Sport-hunting was not found to be a threat to the species at this time,” the Service said in a statement announcing the proposal.

Still, the Service is also proposing a rule under the Endangered Species Act that would establish a permitting mechanism for the importation of sport-hunted lion trophies, provided that the lions originate from countries with a scientifically sound management plan for the species."

Environment News Service had the story October 27, 2014.

Source: ENS, 10/28/2014