FEJ-Funded Project: The Times-Picayune | NOLA.com Coastal Desk

For Reporting on Marine and Coastal Issues of the Gulf of Mexico 2017-2024:

The Times-Picayune | NOLA.com | The Advocate for expansion of its Coastal Desk. This team has produced several hundred print, multimedia and online stories (see some examples below), including comprehensive features co-published with The New York Times. More than 700,000 individual visitors have read Coastal Desk reports online. Tens of thousands more were reached through print editions and broadcast partnerships. The Walton Family Foundation is SEJ’s third-party underwriter for this project.

A sampling of stories from this FEJ-funded project:

In 2017-18, Nola.com | The Times-Picayune and The New York Times co-published "Our Drowning Coast," examining Louisiana's coastal loss and its human impact.

Coverage of T-P/NYT coastal-reporting partnership:

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