Freelance Files

Freelancers and Fellowships: A Path for Growth

Perhaps the biggest value in fellowships is that they can provide a base of knowledge about issues a journalist has not yet investigated. And there’s no telling when that knowledge will come in handy. Read how freelancer Lisa Palmer's experiences with fellowships profoundly shaped her career, and explore resources to help you find a program that will best suit your needs.

SEJ Publication Types: 

Finding Funders: A User’s Guide to Foundation-Backed Journalism

Public radio journalist Karen Schaefer shares how she pursued and won a grant, bumps in the road she overcame, lessons learned, and tips for unearthing funders. Photo: Schaefer on the job at a cow barn at Vander Made Farms near Sherwood, Ohio. Photo by Chris Kick, Farm and Dairy.

SEJ Publication Types: 
Topics on the Beat: 

Juggling Chainsaws, Torches and Watermelons: How to Manage Multiple Assignments

Environmental journalist Adam Hinterthuer (pictured, estimating the circumference of an old-growth tree) shares in Freelance Files his tips for staying sane while balancing a love of writing with responsibilities as employee, father and husband.

SEJ Publication Types: 
Topics on the Beat: 

If It’s Tuesday, This Must Be Guyana (Or Qatar, or France): How One Freelancer Supports a Travel Addiction

Freelancer Erica Gies shares how she has created a "citizen of the world" reporting portfolio, gets paid to travel, and gains perspective on herself, her country and the common problems we all face.

SEJ Publication Types: 


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