1st National Criteria For Sustainable Landscapes Released
The nation's first set of voluntary criteria for planning, design, construction, and maintenance of landscapes.was announced Nov. 6, 2009.
The nation's first set of voluntary criteria for planning, design, construction, and maintenance of landscapes.was announced Nov. 6, 2009.
This new tool is broken out by space type (e.g., kitchen, bathroom, garage, yard), and covers a wide range of indoor and outdoor energy, toxicity, consumption, and environmental impact issues — even topics such as finding a greener mortgage.
Carbon dioxide emission volumes, trends, and sources vary substantially by state, according to a report released Nov. 12, 2009, by the advocacy group Environment America.
Results of sampling the tissue of fish caught in freshwater lakes throughout the
"No kid should ever play in arsenic. Especially at school. Yet many probably do, according to findings of a study presented today."
"The Obama administration is lagging behind the pace set by its predecessor for listing endangered species, and some environmentalists are not happy."
"Firing back at recent industry charges that the Obama administration is not promoting domestic energy development, Interior Secretary Ken Salazar today announced that his department has scheduled 38 onshore oil and gas lease sales for 2010."
"The percentage of Americans who believe global warming is happening has dipped from 80 to 72 percent in the past year, according to a new Washington Post-ABC News poll, even as a majority still support a national cap on greenhouse gas emissions."
"Rising sea levels due to global warming in the next few decades could put trillions of dollars in U.S. assets at risk, according to a report released Tuesday."
"The Environmental Protection Agency issued a final rule Monday aimed at reducing pollution from construction sites, saying that it will significantly improve the quality of water nationwide."