
February 24, 2022

GIJN Webinar: Climate & Accountability — Investigating Methane Emissions

This Global Investigative Journalism Network webinar will bring together reporters and experts who will offer tools and techniques to identify specific methane emitters, find the data, look closely at measurement systems and research what companies and governments are doing to reduce methane emissions. 9:00 a.m. ET.


New U.N. Treaty Effort Could Cap Skyrocketing Plastics Production

"Negotiators from around the world will start work this month on a treaty to reduce plastic pollution, in what diplomats say is the most ambitious round of climate diplomacy since the 2015 Paris agreement that focuses on global warming."

Source: Washington Post, 02/09/2022

"Biden Plan To Spend $725M To Clean Up Abandoned Coal Mines"

"Nearly $725 million in federal funding is available this fiscal year to 22 states and the Navajo Nation for the reclamation of abandoned coal mines and cleanup of acid mine drainage, the U.S. Department of the Interior announced Monday."

Source: AP, 02/08/2022

"As World Drowns In Plastic Waste, U.N. To Hammer Out Global Treaty"

"After years of largely neglecting the buildup of plastic waste in Earth’s environment, the U.N. Environment Assembly will meet in February and March in the hopes of drafting the first international treaty controlling global plastics pollution."

Source: Mongabay, 02/04/2022

The Year Ahead Will Spark Abundant Environment News — Both Good and Bad

Even as the climate crisis countdown story continues, a wide range of environment and energy issues are on journalists’ watchlist for the year ahead, per an analysis from our “2022 Journalists’ Guide to Energy & Environment.” The overview looks at 13 key trends to track in 2022 and beyond — including infrastructure, pandemics, environmental justice, energy, chemicals, plastics and, of course, climate.

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