Mid-Atlantic (DC DE MD PA VA WV)

"A Proposed Lithium Mine Presents A Climate Versus Environment Conflict"

"As world leaders meet for another climate summit in Egypt, the U.S. is pushing to mine more lithium for electric vehicle batteries at home. EVs will help cut pollution from transportation, the nation's largest source of greenhouse gas emissions that cause global warming. But there's a tradeoff, as residents have learned near Charlotte, where a big open-pit mine is proposed."

Source: NPR, 11/16/2022

"Fishing Regulator Rejects Lifting Ban on Female Crab Harvest"

"A commission acknowledged concerns about the threatened shorebirds that rely on crab eggs as a critical food source around the Delaware Bay."

"A fisheries regulator on Thursday unexpectedly extended a ban on harvesting female horseshoe crabs from the Delaware Bay to help protect a vital food source for the red knot, a threatened shorebird that migrates via the bay’s beaches.

Source: NYTimes, 11/11/2022

"A Planned Restart of a Crab Harvest Pits Conservation Against Industry"

"For the first time in 10 years, a fisheries regulator is poised to restart the harvest of female horseshoe crabs in the Delaware Bay, a policy change that conservationists say will threaten the survival of the Atlantic species of the red knot, an imperiled shorebird."

Source: NYTimes, 11/09/2022

Enviros Challenge Proposed Plastics ‘Advanced Recycling’ Plant in Pa.

"A Philadelphia environmental group has filed an appeal to block a proposed $1.1 billion “advanced” plastics recycling plant in rural Pennsylvania after the administration of Gov. Tom Wolf, a Democrat, exempted the facility from having to obtain a solid waste permit."

Source: Inside Climate News, 11/09/2022

"Future Of Pipelines, Black School Hinge On Court NEPA Fight"

"An upcoming federal appeals court battle could reset the rules for environmental reviews of major projects like power plants and highways — and determine the fate of a historic Virginia school built to educate Black children during the Jim Crow era."

Source: E&E News, 10/26/2022

DC Sues Velsicol For Allegedly Contaminating Local Rivers With Pesticide

"Washington, D.C., Attorney General Karl Racine (D) on Thursday announced a lawsuit against chemical manufacturer Velsicol, alleging the company contaminated waterways in the city and harmed the health of residents in predominantly minority neighborhoods."

Source: The Hill, 10/17/2022


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