Consumer Group Finds Alarming Levels of Arsenic in Apple, Grape Juice [1]
"The arsenic-in-juice war continues. Today, Consumer Reports released an alarming study that found high levels of arsenic in samples of apple juice."
"After testing 88 locally-purchased apple and grape juices, testers found 10 percent had total arsenic levels that exceeded federal drinking-water standards, and 25 percent had lead levels higher than the Food and Drug Administration’s bottled-water limit.
An additional analysis found that juice drinkers had about 20 percent higher levels of arsenic in their urine."
Janice D'Arcy reports for the Washington Post's On Parenting blog November 30, 2011. [2]
"FDA Examines Level of Arsenic in Apple Juice" (AP) [3]
"Arsenic Levels in Fruit Juice Spark Concern: Study" (Reuters) [4]