Reducing methane emitted by agriculture, fossil fuels, and landfills is one of the most important and effective actions we can take to stabilize Earth’s climate. This presentation — part of the Drawdown Ignite webinar series — will go beyond the science to explore the business case for methane reduction. Reducing methane will require us to invest billions, change policies, transform practices, and change personal consumption. But doing so can return far more in both climate and financial gains.
Stephan Nicoleau has been investing in methane reductions as a general partner at FullCycle and has been focused on methane solutions as a board member of Project Drawdown and the founder of the Astra Project, a climate program office working to accelerate climate action. In this webinar, he will walk through:
- methane science, sources, and solutions
- tangible action to scale solutions
- creating the business case – moving capital and influence for methane mitigation
- the role we all play
When: May 23, 2024 at 1:00 PM ET