
New Oil-Gas Well Database Offers Tool for Environmental Reporters

The federal government certainly won't tell you. But the nonprofit research group FracTracker will give you data and maps on some 1.1 million oil and gas wells in 36 U.S. states. It's a great starting point for stories on the environmental impacts of drilling and fracking in your area.

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Topics on the Beat: 
April 30, 2014

Groundtruth and Airwaves: Sensor Networks and Emerging Technology for Environmental Journalism

Working journalists from around the world will join a panel of technology experts and research scientists at UC Berkeley to explore opportunities and challenges found at the nexus of DIY sensors, crowdsourced data, and environmental and health journalism. 1-5 p.m. Advanced registration required.

Topics on the Beat: 

Lady Bird, a Massive Machine Digs Out a Solution To DC Wastewater Woes

"A massive machine — longer than a football field — is munching away beneath Washington like a giant earthworm. Before it’s done, it will devour about 2 million cubic yards of soil that has been sitting under the city since the days of the dinosaurs."

Source: Wash Post, 02/21/2014


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