People & Population

"Female Ranchers Are Reclaiming the American West"

"As men leave animal agriculture for less gritty work, more ranches are being led by women — with new ideas about technology, ecology and the land."

"Hundreds of years before John Wayne and Gary Cooper gave us a Hollywood version of the American West, with men as the brute, weather-beaten stewards of the land, female ranchers roamed the frontier. They were the indigenous, Navajo, Cheyenne and other tribes, and Spanish-Mexican rancheras, who tended and tamed vast fields, traversed rugged landscapes with their dogs, hunted, and raised livestock.

Source: NY Times, 01/14/2019

"Canada, First Nations Express Concern Over U.S. Arctic Drilling Plans"

"The Canadian government, two territories and several First Nations are expressing concerns to the United States over plans to open the calving grounds of a large cross-border caribou herd to energy drilling, despite international agreements to protect it."

Source: Canadian Press, 01/14/2019

"Shutdown Suspends Federal Cleanups At US Superfund Sites"

"The government shutdown has suspended federal cleanups at Superfund sites around the nation and forced the cancellation of public hearings, deepening the mistrust and resentment of surrounding residents who feel people in power long ago abandoned them to live among the toxic residue of the country’s factories and mines."

Source: AP, 01/11/2019

UN Tells Canada To Suspend Site C Dam Work Over Indigenous Rights

"In a rare rebuke, the United Nations has instructed Canada to suspend construction of the Site C dam on B.C.’s Peace River until the project obtains the “free, prior and informed consent” of Indigenous peoples."

Source: The Narwhal, 01/10/2019

Trump Says To Halt Aid To Calif. Wildfire Victims; Law Says He Can't

"U.S. President Donald Trump cannot withhold disaster relief once an emergency has been declared, federal statutes show, despite the Republican’s tweet on Wednesday that he had ordered the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) to cease helping victims of last year’s California wildfires."

Source: Reuters, 01/10/2019

A Trump County Confronts the Administration Amid a Rash of Child Cancers

"The children fell ill, one by one, with cancers that few families in this suburban Indianapolis community had ever heard of. An avid swimmer struck down by glioblastoma, which grew a tumor in her brain. Four children with Ewing’s sarcoma, a rare bone cancer. Fifteen children with acute lymphocytic leukemia, including three cases diagnosed in the past year."

Source: NY Times, 01/03/2019


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