
Things related to the web of life; ecology; wildlife; endangered species

"Poisonous Toads Invade South Florida in Latest Sign of the Apocalypse"

"First, there were murder hornets. Now, invasive, poisonous toads are the latest bizarre creature to go wild in the U.S. As South Florida enters its wet season aka hurricane season, the cane toad—an ugly, warty, brown amphibian with poison can kill pet dogs—is thriving. That’s not only concerning for pet owners. These toads are highly destructive to the environment."

Source: Earther, 06/09/2020

"Mass Extinctions Are Accelerating, Scientists Report"

"We are in the midst of a mass extinction, many scientists have warned — this one driven not by a catastrophic natural event, but by humans. The unnatural loss of biodiversity is accelerating, and if it continues, the planet will lose vast ecosystems and the necessities they provide, including fresh water, pollination, and pest and disease control."

Source: NYTimes, 06/03/2020

"U.S. and Chinese Scientists Trace Evolution of Coronaviruses in Bats"

"An international team of scientists, including a prominent researcher at the Wuhan Institute of Virology, has analyzed all known coronaviruses in Chinese bats and used genetic analysis to trace the likely origin of the novel coronavirus to horseshoe bats."

Source: NYTimes, 06/02/2020

"Drugs Standards Group Nixes Plan To Kick Pharma's Crab Blood Habit"

"Horseshoe crabs’ icy-blue blood will remain the drug industry’s standard for safety tests after a powerful U.S. group ditched a plan to give equal status to a synthetic substitute pushed by Swiss biotech Lonza and animal welfare groups."

Source: Reuters, 06/01/2020

"Judge Strikes Down U.S. Energy Leasing Rules In Sage Grouse Habitat"

"A U.S. judge has dealt another blow to the Trump administration's efforts to increase domestic oil and gas output from public lands, saying officials failed to protect habitat for a declining bird species when it issued energy leases on hundreds of square miles."

Source: AP, 05/27/2020


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