
"These Animals Are Already Adapting to a Changing Climate"

"Climate change is one of the top five drivers of extinction, but it’s not always a zero-sum game. In general, scientists expect species will have to move upward in elevation or latitude to cope in a warming world. However, in California, many animals have been adapting to their mutating environments in ingenious ways."

Source: Sierra, 08/21/2023

Top Calif. Methane Emitter Is A Vast Cattle Feedlot. It Gets A Pass

"Forty miles north of the U.S.-Mexico border in Southern California’s Imperial Valley, the Brandt Company cattle ranch is the largest single point source of methane emissions in the state, releasing more of that greenhouse gas than any oil or gas well, refinery or landfill."

Source: Inside Climate News, 08/21/2023

"Despite Climate Goals, California Will Let Three Gas Plants Keep Running"

"Sometimes, breaking news is spectacularly unsurprising — but still hugely consequential. That was the case Tuesday, when California officials finalized a decision they’d been telegraphing for months, voting to extend the life of three gas-fired power plants along the state’s southern coast through 2026, instead of closing them later this year.

Source: LA Times, 08/16/2023

"EPA Launches Civil Rights Probe Over Calif. Water Fight"

"EPA is probing California’s water department over accusations of discrimination against Native tribes and people of color, launching a significant environmental justice investigation that could affect how the state oversees water."

Source: E&E News, 08/14/2023


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