Pesticide Lobby Spends Millions To Defend Chemicals Tied To Bee Deaths [1]
"WASHINGTON -- The chemical pesticide lobby is waging a multi-million dollar battle to prevent regulation of chemicals linked to the dramatic escalation in the deaths of pollinating bees over the past year."
"CropLife America, the trade association that represents more than 90 of the world's biggest agro-chemical manufacturers, spent nearly $2.5 million last year lobbying against bills that sought to increase oversight of chemical manufacturing and transfer, strengthen drinking water standards and fund research into the effects of pesticides on humans.
The lobbying expenses are part of an ongoing lobbying blitz launched in 2010 by the pesticide industry to fight any efforts by the Obama administration to regulate pesticides. Since 2008, Croplife America has poured $11.2 million into lobbyists, and another $643,000 into a PAC that backs congressional candidates sympathetic to the chemicals industry."
Christina Wilkie reports for the Huffington Post March 29, 2013. [2]
"Pesticide Makers Propose Plan To Help Bees" (Guardian) [3]
"Pesticides Shown To Damage Bee Brains" (Chemical & Engineering News) [4]